
Nihat Kağnıcı.
Artwork Title & Inspiration
Inspired by the 52nd verse from the Holy Qur’an chapter, ‘Ibrāhīm’ (Abraham) [14:52].
هَذَا بَلاَغٌ لِلنَّاسِ وَلِيُنذَرُوا بِهِ وَلِيَعْلَمُوا أَنَّمَا هُوَ إِلَهٌ وَاحِدٌ وَلِيَذَّكَّرَ أُوْلُوا الأَلْبَابِ
Translation: This is a message unto all mankind. Hence, let them be warned thereby, and let them know that He is the One and Only God; and let those who are endowed with insight take this to heart!
Transliteration: Hādhā balāghun lilnnāsi waliyundharū bihi waliyaʿlamū annamā huwa ilāhun wāḥidun waliyadhakkara ulū l-albāb.
Artwork Category
Physical Description
Ellipse shaped composition using yellow ink on black paper.
60 x 40 cm.
Country of Origin
LOT 109
Nihat Kağnıcı
Born in Konya, Nihat Kağnıcı (b. 1979), completed his Hifz training in Konya and later graduated from Eskişehir Anadolu University, Faculty of Business Administration, in 2004.
In the same year, he studied Rika and Sülüs Mesk scripts from master calligraphers Abdurrahman Depeler and Mustafa Parıldar. In 2005, Nihat began his training under Konya’s grand master calligrapher, Dr Hüseyin Öksüz, earning him licenses between 2012 and 2017. Nihat continues to practice Jali divani with his teacher while also teaching calligraphy in Konya and Ankara.
He was awarded the Achievement Award in the Ministry of Culture State Turkish Decoration Competition held in 2013. In the IRCICA International Fine Calligraphy Competition held in 2016, he received the Incentive Award in the Celi Sülüs Branch and the First Prize in the Karesi Municipality Traditional Handicrafts Competition in 2017. In the same year, he pursued a master's degree in Fine Arts in Necmettin Erbakan University.
Nihat Kağnıcı with Konya’s grand master calligrapher and teacher, Dr Hüseyin Öksüz.
Video: Master calligrapher, Nihat Kağnıcı, demonstrating calligraphy.