Al-Fatiha - Ottoman

Al-Fatiha - Ottoman
Fatima Azzahrae Chaabani.
Artwork Title & Inspiration
'Al-Fatiha - Ottoman’.
Design inspired by a Qur’an manuscript written by Zayn Al Abidine Ibn Muhammad Al-katib Ash-Shirazi in the 15th century.
Artwork Category
Calligraphy & illumination.
Physical Description
Calligraphy, by master calligrapher Ayten Tiryaki, surrounded with Fatima’s illumination using 23.5k gold, Lapis Lazuli and natural pigments (Malachite, Vermillion, Cobalt Green) on handmade Ahar paper.
66 x 105 cm.
Country of Origin
LOT 79
Fatima Azzahrae Chaabani
Fatima Azzahrae Chaabani is a visual artist who specialises in Islamic Illumination. With a profound passion for the power, symbolism and diversity of the art of Quran Manuscript Illumination, she adopts a cross cultural approach featuring the historical and regional characteristics and variations to maintain the spirit of the different illumination traditions including the Ottoman, the Moorish, the Persian and the Chinese.
Her paintings are inspired by the Quranic symbols of perfection and infinitude such as the solar roundel and the palmette, which she paints using genuine gold leaf and hand-ground natural pigments.
Fatima Azzahrae holds a Master’s degree in Visual Islamic and Traditional Arts from the Prince’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts in London. She is trained in both Islamic and Mediaeval techniques of gold Illumination.
She is an apprentice of Ottoman Illumination, under the tutorage of the prominent master Ayten Tiryaki, channelling a long line of master-apprentice transfer of traditional knowledge and skills. Her artworks were exhibited in Morocco, the UK, Turkey and China.
Prior to graduating in 2018, Fatima Azzahrae had significant academic and work experiences in prestigious institutions including Yale University and Qatar Foundation. In 2015, she had her first active encounters with Islamic Arts as she joined the Community Classes in the VCU in Qatar. Enamoured of Islamic Arts, she then resigned from her job, and started a new journey as an avid art student.
VIDEO: 'Al Fatiha - Ottoman' with Fatima Azzahrae Chaabani.
Master calligrapher and illuminator (left) and Fatima Azzahrae Chaabani.
VIDEO: Interview with Fatima by Al Hiwar TV.